Over the many years of my orchid obsession, I have heard and read the most amazing orchid myths.
Try and add to them if you can .
Orchids growing in trees are parasitic -Have never found one ,if you do let me know
Some terrestrial orchids,feed on insects - if any do I have never found one, at least not in this country
Catts should only be watered every two weeks - this statement has most probably killed more Catts than forest fires! For those who don't know it rains almost every day in their habitat
Cymbidiums only need to be watered every two weeks-
This statement has killed more Cymbids than all the bugs put together! Cymbids should never be allowed to dry out . It is not too much water which kills these plants ,but spent media
Watering your Cymbids at midday will cause burn marks on the leaves - I have been trying to prove this one for years in matter of fact I set my timers to activate the sprayers at midday . Still no marks , maybe the African sun is not up to it . Personally I think it might be possible but the focal point is not quite right
and that pics of plants that I have seen with these marks are bacterial in nature.
Orchids don't need Calcium - yes folks and this from a speaker who hails from a famous nursery in the UK- Calcium is one of the building blocks of life on earth!!
"These marks on the leaves are due to the plant having too much sugar "- This from a Nurseryman trying to sell me a virused plant. I could not keep a straight face and laughed so much he walked off in disgust and now when I visit his nursery he is nowhere to be found. He should rather have been a second hand car salesman.
Now I would like to hear some of your myths