Okie dokie so I at the beginning of the summer I was wishing I could get a keiki off one of my plants but didn't expect to get one >.< Hahaha imagine my surprise a few months ago when lo and behold there was a little green thing coming OUT of the main cain on my perty little dendro plant. Now this thing is doing freaking great but there is only one little problem.... I have no clue how to safely get it off the plant

So a little help in this area would be great! It's ready to come off I'm pretty sure of that it has about 6-7 roots coming off of it and is going on 6" long!!!!
My next question is going to be how do I get it going to a good start after I get it off of the parent. It is grown in semi hydro and is loving it but can I put the keiki in it when it comes off or do I need to start it on something else? Help in this area would be great
And last but not least since it is going on November and it has expended the past few months producing the keiki would it be safe to still try and get it to flower? I don't want to stress it out by putting it under even more stress. Comments in this area would be greatly appreciated.
Oh I lied that wasn't the last one I was going to ask and this one probably will be the stupidest one. As long as I am careful removing the keiki from the parent I wont damage it will I?