hi , thought i would kick back up this old thread since it seemed to have the experts in it.
i have what is tagged
Spath Terra cotta that i picked up last october in hawaii, it was right at the end of its blooming cycle back then and had only one nearly finished flower on it, but the color looked like it had been amazing and i know and trust the grower a lot. Knew nothing about the type and took a chance, happy i did.
But now im looking for info on what it is going to be like as it is now
heartily growing again after a long dormant winter (it was kinda neglected by me as i was having babies)
i have switched it over to S/H about 2 months ago when it started springing to life as i do with everything in my collection and so far it is growing like gangbusters. So now im looking for pictures and info about what it is going to look like and what size it is going to get, i am thinking that it is a much larger plant than i thought it would be! right now the 11 or so bulbs vary from 1/2" to 1" and all have good shoots of leaves coming from them.
but now im thinking i need to get it into a larger pot, the roots are growing amazingly and are just starting to wrap around the bottom of the pot.