I'm not sure if I've posted in the right area, but I need some advice - pls bear with me, here goes...
My mom wants to get rid of a lot her orchids because she is 80 years old now and has a lot of difficulty taking care of them. She's had them for so many years and has divided them when needed, but now has around 50 or so plants and has asked me to help her find homes for them. With me being an orchid newbie, I came here to ask. She has given quite a few away already, but she still has a lot...a lot!! I've tried calling different florists in her area (San Francisco, CA bay area) and even nurseries, but they are all NOIDS. I've included pics of some of the plants she has. Any advice or suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
D, you took the words right outta my mouth (NO, I don't want them back)
It would be wonderful to see some of our OB members get ahold of some of these real beauties
Gosh it must be hard to give those up
So, pass on the joy to others I say ......
I agree with Jorch. If you're not particularly wanting to sell them but just find homes, an orchid society would probably be very glad to take them off your hands. They could raffle or sell them to their members and make some money for the club.
Thank you so much!!! What a great suggestion. I'm about a 2 1/2 hrs. drive away from my mom so I think I'll go spend a weekend to sort through everything, bring the rest home, take some pictures and post an ad. Wish me luck!!
See, I knew I would get some great advice from everyone...you guys rock!!! Thanks everyone and hopefully soon you'll see a classified ad. Hmmm, and maybe pics would be posted by the new owners and I'd still be able to see my mom's beautiful plants! lol