I did a bit of searching on the classification of these and they are indeed vandaceous. I've always had a sneaking suspicion since they look so reminiscent of some sort of angraecoid (I mean come on, they're white and have elegant spurs). I found out today on wikispecies that they are in the same sub-tribe as several other equally fantastic and lovable genera, namely the angraecums, jumellea and aeranthes...
Something else interesting to note; according to wikipedia, in the 1800s the plant we know today as Dendrophylax lindenii was once named Aeranthes lindenii as well as Angraecum lindenii.
(that said, some vandaceous orchids do prefer relatively shady areas, so the rule that all vandaceous orchids are sun lovers may not always be true)
Swamper - that's an interesting theory re the poaching of the ones growing in lit areas... I wonder how the poaching situation is like these days, with the recent increase publicity and awareness. I can imagine that on the one hand this would encourage conservation efforts, but on the other hand, might also increase poaching.