So I purchased a Odontioda Fort Point about a month ago. I have it placed in a window where it recieves bright light all day, with a bit of full sun. I know the location is a bit bright for this plant. The plant has been there about 3 weeks, and now has a red tinge to the older growth. At first, I thought it was because the new growth is growing and has become accustomed to the higher light, but the older growth is a bit- well not sunburnt exactly- but is getting a tad too much light.
So even when I first bought the plant, this specific orchid had strange dark colouring, but tons of my oncidiums have strange markings/ discoloring that is considered normal for the ocidium type plants
Anyways, what concerned me was the fact that some areas on the back side of the older growth- the portion that does not get the bight light, has that colouring as well.
Oh, and its not rot, ists more like just a rust colouring on the leaves.
Any opinions out there?

(this is a picture of the whole plant. If it were in the window, this is the side I would be looking at, and the wondow would be behind the plant.) the next picture is of the side that gets the light.