Wanda, I use the Dyna-Gro products, 10-5-5, 7-9-5, 7-7-7, and Mag Pro. I use the fertlizer @125ppm N for two waterings and the third I use the Mag Pro @1/2 tsp. per gallon. The fourth watering is RO water. I also use RO water in the fertilizer mix with 1/4 tsp. Pro-Tekt per gallon to adjust the ph to 6.0-6.5. When I mix the Mag Pro I use tap water and the ph is in the correct range. By the way all my plants are doing great with this watering schedule.
Good Growing, Joe
Last edited by joe_orch; 05-23-2008 at 08:36 PM..
Reason: missed something