This may be a dumb question... But still, here it comes.
Im only a newbee at growing chids, and this chid is nothing im going to try any soon.
But, i have a slider, living in an open aquarium indoors with a warming light on its dry aerea and a heater to keep up the wather teprature. I have one mounted phal here among some other plants, and its loving the conditions, since it is hanging almost on the top, and this way its getting both light from the window closeby and the humidity. I alsow mist twise a day.
Could it be possible to grow a ghostorchid the same way? If concidered mounting it underneth some of the other plants, it would have a shady aerea, high humidity and since its an open aquarium i dont have more airsirculation that the space around approves. If i added some more plants where the ghost would live, that would slower down the sirculation as well, wouldnt it?
Just wondering, im not any close to even get my hands at a chid like this. Im Norway, you have to contact specialist to get KLN or any roothormone, since its not alowed to sell... I still havent been able to get any.
I doubt theres any chance of getting a chid as special as the ghost is, exept by ordering, and then follow all the instructions and laws there is to get any plant over the boarders.