I was wondering how I should water a miltassia. Do they like to be keet moist, watered when they approach dryness, or left to dry out in between waterings?
You could treat it like an Oncidium or Miltoniopsis, i have a fan running most of the time so mine dries out within a day or two but it could use more of a moist medium than I am giving it.
I grow them in semi-hydroponics, which points out that air flow to the roots is the first thing you should think about, even if you grow in "ordinary" culture.
I have one and I tend to keep it moist and mist around the roots daily. Before I did that, the leaves started to crinkle up on me and I was told it wasn't getting enough water. I actually place the pot down into a glass bowl with water in that, but not touching the pot. The pot rim sets on the top of the glass bowl nicely so only moisture surrounds the pot. Has worked like a charm for me. I had awesome blooms....twice! Hope I explained that okay.