3 Questions about 4 Dendrobiums
Let me start with D. nobile.
I had few over the years, many things happened. ALways did well outside in the summer, but came winted, i'd bring them in and they'd die. That changed two years ago, when i left them to overwinter outside, intent on only bringing them in if the tem dipped to about 0 (almost never did). It budded, then got eaten by snails. Whelp.
Now, it has recovered, lost all canse but propped multiple shoots and keikis that formed the new plant. Looks strong, sturdy, with thicker than ever canes (for the size). My question is about the color, as the leaves are like a 50/50 split between yellow and green (colors mixed, no actual color 'regions' on the leaf itself). Is that...normal? I see no deformities, damage w/e, and it recieves a good deal of direct sunlight, aprox 4-6 h tho not all at once. All other ones i had, regardless of how well they grew (and this one before this year) were not necessarily a dark green, but they were certainly not yellowish.
My second question is about D. kinganium and D.Patricia Van Puyenbroeck. From what i gathered, they should be getting similar or same care to D. nobile (temperature/light). Is that correct?
Third is D. lindleyi, and from all i've menaged to find, it prefers to have somewhat warmer nights wintertime (8-10C). I would also like to vertify this informaton (I can provide both cooler and less cool, as well as year round temperate, but i can't do that with no information)
When i bought them (a few months ago), it didn't occur to me to remember that information online can be mixed, and it is better to ask people and then deduce. I've also wrote a lot of text for quite simple questions, but i'd rather do that than leave crucial information out by accident.