Thank you for your feedback. As Roberta and Estación Seca said, the bush snails don't get attracted by iron phosphate. I had a couple of them in a tupperware for the weekend and completely ignored the pellets.
Dimples: thank you, I have learnt (half an hour ago 😂

that there are several carnivorous snails in my area. They may be useful but I don't think I can collect or identify them easily.
Bayard: thank you for the information, that nuclear option seems very interesting... I'll try to get the chemical.
Meanwhile I'm cleaning the greenhouse and pruning a lot of overgrown plants. It seems that a strong coffee has 0,13% coffeine, so I was applying almost 20 times that... I'll try 0,15% coffeine solution following Estación Seca's method, and let's see what happens!
---------- Post added at 06:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:21 PM ----------
Update: Mesurol (Metiocarb) has been prohibited in the EU, so if someone from the area is thinking of it just forget.