Packing Peanuts
This is not a secret or anything, but I didn't see much discussion on this topic on the board so I thought I would bring it up.
After seeing packing peanuts utilized on a lot of plants I have purchased from respected growers, I started experimenting with them. I find them incredibly useful. In addition to being free, they have helped mitigate my biggest orchid weakness, overpotting.
I basically use them in the center of all my pots now, draping the roots over them. The roots grow into them but they don't retain water, keeping the center of the pot less soggy. Reduces the amount of expense bark and sphag. Seems like a great way to reduce cost and root rot while recycling a bulky non biodegradable material.
Does anyone else utilize peanuts? Any tips?
Last edited by Clawhammer; 10-27-2022 at 06:07 PM..