Winter Greenhouse for Cool Growers - Questions
Here in 8b I grow a lot of tender outside plants that I overwinter in my garage. I have a large grow light for those that need light and less lit space for those that go dormant. I keep gardenias, cestrum nocturnum, tender rhododendrons, geraniums, Angel Trumpets, sambacs, etc in here with great success.
I have a heater set to come on @ 41 F
Last year I began using this room for orchids that like cool winters.. Cymbidiums, Aussie Dendrobiums, Nobile Dendrobiums.
Being the second year I am doing this, I used this setup to stock up on new plants. I have an idea of what I am doing but I never regretted asking folks here for any advice y'all may have.
Specifically, I'm planning on watering all about once every ten days with plain water (no ferts). Any concerns?
Any difference in winter treatment for Chinese cymbidiums (ensifolium, sinense, goeringii) from standard cymbs?
Any other types of orchids that require this cold treatment (41 F)? Just want to make sure I don't have anything else in collection that should be in the garage (or something else cool that I can buy haha).