haha jcec you have made me self concious to post my one measly january bloom but it's not really about the bloom.
I took an extra dark picture so show off my latest observations. I am still completely unsure if I am doing good or bad, it's kind of venturing into the unknown.
But it's exciting - as long as none die lol. So far so good still.
So yes partly to show my still flowering purple martin but also to show the differnce in the flower spike color on my violacea next to it. I highlighted them with blue and red arrows. Now I am sure the spikes do darken over time but they never grew as light as the latest spike are right now.
This pic is just to document my journey.
Oh yeah the circle bottom left shows the difference in color too. It's really hard to capture it well on camera.
What this all means will take me several more months to evaluate.
I quickly took a picture of my Aerides houlletiana. It's made some noticeable changes too. Notice how it's old leaves were coated in a white waxy protective coating. The new leaf is growing like nothing I've seen on this one before. So also worth showing the difference here I think
ps: I just realized looking at the last pic it looks very white where the light reflects off the leaf but that is just leaf shine so ignore my last comment about leaf shine, I think that is just the angle of the flash to leaf by now...