In the terrariums I am getting green mold or algae on the leave, not a super huge issue in terms of health, but compromise the photosynthesis and is not appealing at all. I have inquire with Spanish sources that live in South America forest, since I've seen that they deal with heavy mold and algea in the more humid month of the year. Almost everyone mentioned that the best recipe is to clean the leave with a calcium/mag, mustly calcium product diluted in water (1-2%).
Is it Kelpax/Kelmax appropriate for this ?
What's your opinion about this technique?
Any other option besides this in your practice?
Can this be used to clean dusty Phals leaves as well? (I know its no necessary but bugs me as hell, so if it can help with that, yuup even better). When I want them very clean I use milk.
Thanks and Cheers!
PD: Almost Here --》