Originally Posted by SouthPark
Assuming a goal (just as an example only) is to have a orchid pic with flowers looking unblemished, with symmetrical features and text-book orchid judging appearance ----- it's true that some arrangement and adjustments can be involved --- not always, but maybe most of the time. And luck or probability can be involved too. Such as --- if the flowers happened to come out in some desired way already ---- and not much needs to be done, then that can make things easier to achieve the goal.
S.P., clearly,you are right. If someone flowers a lot of plants and takes a lot of picture, the person would definitely choose the best to represent them/their business.
Factors include regular variations - just due to natural development --- and temperature, humidity, growing conditions etc.
I was hoping we'd find some orchid genius who could tell us all exactly what to do with these variable, at least with cattleyas. Hey you geniuses...

... we know you're out there.
And --- like the magician Derren Brown --- it can be about the audience not knowing...
There can be no doubt.
For me ----- I'm not perfect in appearance haha. So I tend not to judge where I can avoid it (even if I were 'perfect' in appearance). I just like to grow orchids and ...watch their behaviour heheh.
I often tell my wife, jokingly, I'm going to the greenhouse to see any of the orchids grew in the last hour or two.
edit: Thanks for your post, by the way.