Hello everyone. I just finished building this orchid planter with a hidden humidifier (ultrasonic cold mist). The humidifier mister is a recycled humidifier from an old mushroom kit I bought years ago. I changed and rebuilt everything except for the container. More powerful fan and ultrasonic mist maker.
I hid it inside a cabinet and fed it with a 1/4 inch line from the toilet water supply. Inside I put a float valve that keeps the water level always at the same level, so it never needs to be filled up. The same system the toilet reservoirs have but a mini version.
Then I sealed the planter with black rubber paint and silicone sealer by the seams. It does not leak.
I put a warming matt under the mounted orchids as it can get a bit cool here in winter.
I used 1/2 inch pvc pipe to pipe in the cold mist. The fan that creates the positive pressure in the humidifier and thus pumping mist into the system came from an old server. It's just powerful enough for the system.
Then I mounted the 3 orchids with dried and live moss on old drift wood I got from the beach. The orchids I got from an orchid store for 1 dollar each since they had no blooms. The store has a section with $1 orchids which have no blooms. I thought of using these so I can learn how to make them bloom, in the process and in case this fails it doesn't end up costing me $60. I can risk the $3 dollars.
I have never had orchids before that lived, I'm new to orchids, so I'd really appreciate some feedback from you veterans. It would mean so much to hear your opinions.
I have a couple of videos in this link below that shows the the final results and some photos of the different building stages.
Dropbox - orchid board - Simplify your life