Epc. Magic Wand (a SVO hybrid which I purchased locally), Dinema polybulbon, and C. aurantiaca, all started yellowing as soon as they began to develop sheaths.
Dpolybulbon.jpg - Google Drive
EpcMagicWand.jpg - Google Drive
C.aurantiaca.jpg - Google Drive
Everything else looks great, and nothing has changed as far as culture for them, which is as follows.
315w cmh
Temp 83f day, 69f night
Humidity 80-65% day, 70% night
Watering is usually 17 ppm N K-Lite 1-3x day (only the aurantiaca is in a pot), unless its a KelpMax or Quantum day.
I'm leaning to nutrient deficiency, but am not sure where to start.