I'd be interested as well in any info that people have as to how specific orchids are in which fungi they need for germination. Do they maintain mycorrhizal fungus in their roots later in life when they are already blooming and no longer dependent on the fungus?
I've been playing around with germinating orchids out in the open on substrates that I've attempted to inoculate with a liquid made from ground up orchid roots. For some species this seems to have worked out well, but not so much for others. So I wonder if the fungi that have established themselves are the wrong ones for the orchids that don't seem to germinate for me.
Also, has anyone ever found that a species of orchid can grow differently depending on which symbiotic fungus it partners with? I ask because I've seen Encyclia cordigera grow so differently in the same patch of woods that I thought it was a different species till I seen them bloom. I was thinking maybe the orchid could grow better if it was partnered with a fungus that did a better job of providing the minerals is was lacking.
Last edited by SG in CR; 01-31-2020 at 10:59 AM..
Reason: grammar