Originally Posted by SouthPark
Possibly irregular growth conditions. You previously mentioned that you flick lights on and off etc. So if there's no regularity to growth conditions, then it could possibly lead to irregular behaviour.
yes, but i bought it that way.

why i got chose this one, looked like a stick man!
i’ve seen a spike grow. i guess they top out in a point?
perhaps this one shot out a branch right on the top/end?
you can see (attached) the original condition, it’s gone now (mistake to remove), but you can a 90° downward turn (or auxiliary branching) on the (image) left branch, too!
after i got it, some buds made it, but otherwise all the small ones blasted. so, those on that left branch got blasted so eventually I trimmed off that lower bend when it turned brown. Like I trimmed off a couple of other ends when they turned brown after the flowers were gone. And I only trimmed them a couple of them very little bit to the next node.
Other thing I did which I never mentioned, I did mention the trimming in an earlier post, but the other thing which I haven’t mentioned is there was one yellow leaf on one side of the very bottom after a day or two I peeled it off whole and came off quite easily. About a week later the other side developed a very similar lower yellow leaves. I know that this is actually a good sign but I also peeled that one off.
my thoughts on all removals/clipping were: less
stress to remove, so the plant could move on quicker than facilitating energy to “dying” spots.

indeed, it is directly below that lone left branch (that had the 90° downturn) that the bonus new branch came in under.
—i included a second image, which shows both the top 90°, and the “left” (trimmed here) branch, where the new one came in under it.
i hope these are part of this guy’s genetics!