Originally Posted by Subrosa
I keep C. dowiana, C. trianae, and C. aclandiae in full sun as well, after acclimation. For what full sun in PA is worth.
The "after acclimation" part is the critical piece... moving the plants into increasingly bright light gradually. Similar to people... a day out on a Florida or Hawaii beach on the first day of vacation after spending winter indoors is an invitation to a very painful sunburn. Expose gradually and don't forget the sunscreen (shadecloth?)
"Full sun" is also relative... the number of hours of sun (and intensity) depends on trees, and orientation of one's yard as well as latitude. I learned that the hard way taking Andy's Orchids tags literally... A plant labeled "FS" toasted for me. A trip to Andy's told me why - the nursery has lots of big, mature trees that cast shade at various times of day so "full sun" duration is only a few hours in even the brightest areas. My yard faces east-west, with no trees in the middle. so in summer there's blazing sun from half an hour after sunrise to half an hour before sunset. Even "full sun" orchids get light shadecloth.