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Old 04-13-2011, 01:27 AM
Anisa Anisa is offline
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That why i like this forum because of minimal censorship and variety of opinions.
I have abandoned an other orchid forum because of unnecessary strict moderation. At the end it was like a sorority where everyone braids each other's hair and tell what beautiful orchids they have - which is the only opinion you are allowed to have there.
I agree with PaphMadMan. Lets keep Orchidboard just as we love it - free of spammers and very lightly moderated
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Old 04-13-2011, 09:44 AM
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The OrchidBoard is not responsible for the theft of photos, but it seems to me it behooves the management to discuss such issues with advertisers who are the culprits.

I don't know the reasoning for killing such a thread. Anyone know why it was?
Ray Barkalow, Orchid Iconoclast
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Old 04-13-2011, 10:03 AM
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Oh my!
I'm very sorry but this is the first I'm seeing about this and have no idea what went on.

Tom, we would hate to lose you as a friend here on OB...please give me a little time to check into this before you make a final decision to leave us
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Old 04-13-2011, 11:01 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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Tindomul closing the thread was not censorship... after all the old thread is still there and visible for everyone to see. It was done because he felt the thread was getting into an argument and wanted to put a stop to that argument.

There is no disagreement that Tom's concern over the theft is legitamate and Tindomul encoraged Tom in PM's to start this new thread and I have also told Tom in PM's that I encorage him (and others) to highlight such things to the board.

Personally I am really glad to have my attention brought to this theft issue and to be more careful about my own images.

Sue, I'm sending you a PM

Last edited by RosieC; 04-13-2011 at 11:03 AM..
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Old 04-13-2011, 11:07 AM
zxyqu zxyqu is offline
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Yeah, I should probably apologize a bit for getting the thread closed. It wasn't my intention to get into an argument, and I hope Tom knows that it was just a misunderstanding. Also, I'm hopeful that you'll stay Tom, as you do have some great photos, and it would be a loss to the OB for you to leave.
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Old 04-13-2011, 11:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Ray View Post
The OrchidBoard is not responsible for the theft of photos, but it seems to me it behooves the management to discuss such issues with advertisers who are the culprits.

I don't know the reasoning for killing such a thread. Anyone know why it was?
It had nothing to do with protecting a sponsor in any way. Like you said Ray, it's not our responsibility to protect photos. We have tens of thousands of photos on OB and my guess would be that many of them have been used without permission or knowledge of their owners. Is that ethically right ? Of course not, but by posting a photo online you assume the risk that the photo may get lifted. If you cannot live with that, save yourself some hassles and headaches and do not post photos online. Majority of people still assume that if it's on the internet it's free and can be used.

When you leave your bicycle unchained and unattended at a busy Starbucks you're assuming the risk as well. If your bicycle is stolen, of course it's not right, but you cannot blame the thief. That's what thieves do. You don't want the bike stolen, then walk or chain it up. YOu don't want a photo stolen, post crappy quality, watermark it or don't post at all if you cannot part with it.

Tindo may have had a bit of a hair trigger on that thread and I'd probably let it go a bit further, but he's looking out for protecting the community here. We don't need to have a brawl, so things are typically nipped before they explode. Maybe a bit early, but still a good call. You guys know that OB is in large so popular because we're a very friendly forum with very little bickering. Once people start getting rude to one another then the policy is to close the thread. If your ego is bruised as a result because you cannot finish your point or reply to a thread - tough luck.

Originally Posted by RosieC View Post
Tindomul closing the thread was not censorship... after all the old thread is still there and visible for everyone to see.
We do not censor things here, other than remove spam. People can say whatever they wish as long as it's done without insulting other members.

At first I did not want to bother with the photo theft, simply because I run my days like a mad man typically on few hours of sleep. Stolen photo from an online community doesn't stack up high for me, but I sent an email to Seattle Orchids. Matter is resolved. Here's the reply, in case you guys are curious:

Originally Posted by Seattle Orchids
Thanks for advising. I had already contacted him on behalf of incredibleorchids and usaorchids which are divisions of our company and not directly affiliated (they are contracting positions). I had apologized as our vendors do send us photos if we do not have a bloom photo. Apparently his photos are circulating in Hawaii. I offered him a discount but he is relentless after even offering a discount. We do offer discounts to those who we do get photos from. There was a heated argument too apparently in the forum by one of the members and I think he has insulted people and do not like seeing this in your forums. I am a bit disappointed to see this even after an apology and offering. We do remove any photos if people contact us. I guess even reputable vendors and growers take photos off of the internet and I'm sad to see this. I certainly do take offense to some of the remarks left on the Orchidboard as this does appear to Defamation of Character in legal terms and shouldn't be allowed. Thanks again for contacting me in regards to this and will try to continue to resolve this matter. The orchidboard is the BEST!
so, lets sweep this under the carpet and move on.
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Old 04-13-2011, 12:27 PM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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Thanks Marty, and thanks for posting that reply from Seattle Orchids. It's good to know their responce.
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Old 04-13-2011, 01:13 PM
BikerDoc5968 BikerDoc5968 is offline
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This is the first I've seen this post. While I don't know what the original post is/was all about, I would guess things got nasty and out of control... something I guess I don't see with any frequency or am just too naive to all of it. It is because this forum is very open that I value and treasure my membership. Tom, I feel your anger and pain, because, as you may know, I was censored from one of the other forums to which you belong all over a very foolish issue. It angered me because it was so very foolish and I had no recourse to resolve the situation. I do miss participating. It has been painful for me and continues to frustrate me and maybe that is the end game for the administrator of that forum... what a sad statement about another avid orchid person to go to such lengths.

I love posting my pictures to share with others; this gives me great joy and pride... and gives me that ego boost!!!!! While I've never seen any of my pictures used elsewhere because I don't "look" for them, I don't post to profit from them. I'm not a professional and don't care if they are used by someone. I do believe it is respectful to ask the author for permission and give credit for published art.

None of us like to see another member leave, especially over something like this. I trust reason and logic will prevail and you might find it in your heart to resolve, forgive and post once again to the better good of all of us.
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Old 04-13-2011, 02:25 PM
gnathaniel gnathaniel is offline
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Originally Posted by Marty View Post
When you leave your bicycle unchained and unattended at a busy Starbucks you're assuming the risk as well. If your bicycle is stolen, of course it's not right, but you cannot blame the thief. That's what thieves do. You don't want the bike stolen, then walk or chain it up. YOu don't want a photo stolen, post crappy quality, watermark it or don't post at all if you cannot part with it.
Marty, I agree with most of what you said, but I take exception to the idea that we "cannot blame the thief." We can indeed, an unethical act remains unethical regardless of the opportunity or motivation one has to commit it.

Though I doubt Seattle Orchid knew they were 'stealing' from Tom, the fact is they exhibited a notable lapse in judgment to use photos of unknown origin and ownership for promotion of their commercial interest. To then accuse Tom of defamation, even in a private communication, is just more hyberbole and smacks of an attempt to shift attention away from their own inappropriate actions.

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Old 04-13-2011, 02:43 PM
Tom-DE Tom-DE is offline
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To make this clear, Seattle Orchids is the one who used four or five of my photos for their listings without my permission. Seattle Orchids has not directly contacted me up to this day. I sent them few emails but got no answers what so ever from Seattle Orchids. Robert from Incredibleorchids sent me PM here yesterday and said Seattle Orchids, Incredibleorchids and uasorchids were not a same company, but apologized on behalf of Seattle orchids. Seattle Orchids has its own website. Incredibleorchids and usaorchids are orchids sellers(on Ebay). Seattle Orchids just took my photos off their website yesterday.

I did check on three major HI growers' website yesterday but found none of my photos. I will check on it further...

FYI, The reason for this thread is to explain why I have deleted my photos. It is not what Rosie might think(start a new thread to continue discussing the topic...)

I have said enough on this matter. Who is right and who is wrong, the viewers will have their own judgement...

Last edited by Tom-DE; 04-13-2011 at 03:37 PM..
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